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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Importance of Modern African American Art

Whether you’re interested in adding modern African American art to your home collection or are just looking to integrate this art style into your décor, it’s imperative that you learn more about the background and history. While many of us know the basic ideas of where modern Africa American art was inspired, the more we know, the better we can include this art into our homes as well as our hearts.
It’s interesting to note that modern African American art began long before the idea of ‘modern art’ was conceived. As early back as slavery, African Americans were crafting iron pieces, pottery, quilts, baskets, cabinets, and silver. While many of these tasks were relegated to them, the utmost craftsmanship was required and thus the African American population became quite skilled in these crafts. What’s even more compelling about this situation is that the African Americans were generally allowed to sell any work they did in their ‘off time’ for profits they could keep, thus enabling them to purchase their freedom from their masters.

But while most of these early examples of modern African American art were for practical purposes, other African Americans began to create portraits as artistic pieces. Artists like Robert M. Douglas Jr. and Joshua Johnson were taught the basics of painting and composition on their own or through private tutoring, as deemed by their owners or by abolitionists that wanted the slaves to be able to save up to buy their freedom. Once the Civil War ended and slavery was declared illegal, there was a resurgence in the time’s modern African American art movement. Pieces of these artists’ work were displayed more prominently in museums and private homes. And while these works tended to include simple nature scenes as well as portraits, they still found some struggle in getting shown in public areas in the United States. In Europe, however, African Americans were much more successful in garnering praise as well as showing of their work. Across the ocean, African Americans were able to try new styles of painting and art as they were generally accepted.

Moving into the modern African American art phase, these African American artists were bolstered by the Harlem Renaissance movement. More artists than ever were getting recognition for their work, thus paving the away for African American art to not only be accepted, but also celebrated in artistic circles. Even Roosevelt helped the African American art movement with the passing of his Works Progress Administration

By seeing the struggles that the African American artists went through to come into this age of modern African American art, it’s easy to see how valuable these pieces are. When you bring a piece of African American art into your home, you not only celebrate the artists of this time, but all of the generations that came before. You celebrate the history of a people that have never given up on their talents, no matter how far others may have tried to push them down.

A Major Part of American Literature

The short story has long been a major part of American literature. Many famous authors started out writing short stories. Louis L'Amour wrote short stories for years for magazines and papers in order to get his stories in the public eye. He knew if he could get his work read he would develop a following. And he did just that. He remains one of the most widely read authors in history. Writing short stories is a great way for an aspiring author to develop his craft. In a full-length novel the author can let the plot unfold as each character is developed.

But don't get the wrong idea, writing a novel is no easy chore. You have to hold the attention of the reader for 150 pages and more. That is not an easy task. Likewise, writing a short story is not easy. The author has to have a well written story with well defined characters and a plot that comes alive from the first sentence and holds the reader captive until the last word. For the author who can do that, writing short stories can be rewarding. There is a huge market for short stories. Magazines such as Writer's Digest, Ruthless People's Magazine, Inkwater Press, Glimmer Train and many more are always calling for submission of short stories. And most of those magazines will accept stories from unknown or unpublished writers. And many of those magazines are willing to pay for good stories. A good writer can supplement their income by writing for several magazines at a time. Once you have submitted a short story that an editor likes, it isn't unusual for that editor to ask for more of your stories for future editions. The trick to making better money by writing short stories for magazines is to become well written in more than one genre. Romance is well received by many magazines. Science fiction, fantasy and horror are becoming more popular, also. If a writer can write in two or three genres they can make a fair living writing. Magazines are not the only way to make money.

The writer who wants to make money also enters his stories in writing contests. Some contests pay as much as $10,000 to the winner. The greatest number of contests pays from $100 to $1000. Some even offer writing contracts for the author who shows promise. And the writer who pens a good poem can earn even more money. There are literally hundreds of poem writing contests. There are also greeting card companies that offer contests that pay from $25 to $300 for the winner. Some just call for submissions and pay as much as $1000 for the right to print the poem on their greeting cards. A good writer can earn money by freelancing. A freelancer writes anything from how-to articles to copy for internet websites. He can also offer his talents for proofreading and editing. And there is a large market for ghost writers. With the proliferation of ebooks offering how-to advice on almost every subject imaginable, the opportunities for ghost writing is unlimited because those offering the advice either can't write or don't have the time. So you see, the short story writer has many opportunities to extend his craft and make a decent living.

Happy writing.

English Literature

English literature A level distance learning can be successfully completed by passing both the levels. These two levels are called AS and A2. Quite expectedly, A2 level is a little harder to complete compared to AS level. Distance learning is ideal for those who cannot attend college on a regular basis in the daytime or evening. Distance learning also suits those who aren't looking for a career based on the study of English literature.

Benefits of Distance Learning

English literature A level distance learning in its conventional mode meant acquiring study material from the tutor (or the institute), studying on one's own and then submitting the tests and workbooks as per schedule. Distance learning in the context of the internet has evolved to become much more than merely taking notes and submitting them. Distance learning means a lot of other benefits - creating your own schedule for studies, working on your own plans and keeping the whole course / program as per your own convenience.

English Literature A Level Contents

You will be amazed to be aware that the English Literature A Level distance learning course is a fully comprehensive course, no prior knowledge is required. In other words, there is no other qualifier for this certification. The distance learning course starts with a brief history of English literature. This is followed by the works of Shakespeare. The William Shakespeare section is covered with the help of his works like A Midsummer Night's Dream, Richard II, Henry IV Part I, Othello and The Tempest.

The English Literature A Level distance learning program then exposes the students to dramas and theatre arts. This section deals with the works of Bertolt Brecht, O'Casey and Wycherley. There are many reputed colleges and institutes offering the distance learning programs for A level English literature through distance learning mode. Some of these are The Sheffield College, Harvard Extension School, University of Cambridge, and private institutes like ICS. It should be kept in mind that there are no time limits for taking A level courses. The student has to pass the examination held twice a year. Students enrolled in online courses receive all of the teaching material through the internet. One has to download the tutorials, test papers, etc. from the specified server.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Space History at a Glance

Britain’s contribution to space science began hundreds of years before Prime Minister Harold Macmillan announced a new British space research programme in 1959.For centuries our scientists and astronomers have shaped how the world is seen and they continue to add to our knowledge of the Universe through space missions and ground-based science.

The following list highlights some of the most important discoveries for science as well as key missions involving British scientists and engineers.

1668 - Sir Isaac Newton builds the first reflecting telescope. Over 300 years later, Newton's invention forms the basis of the Hubble Space Telescope.

1675 - John Flamsteed becomes the first Astronomer Royal at The Royal Observatory in Greenwich.

1687 - Newton publishes Principia Mathematica, possibly the most important book in the history of science. It contains his theory of universal gravitation, marking the beginning of modern astronomy.

1705 - Edmund Halley correctly predicts that a comet seen in 1682 would reappear in 1758. The comet, now named after Halley, is visible from Earth every 7576 years. It featured in the famous Bayeux Tapestry, was last seen from Earth in 1986 and observed in close-up by ESA’s Giotto spacecraft. The comet will return in 2061.

1781 - William Herschel, a German musician who spent his whole life in England, discovers the planet Uranus with a mirror telescope of his own creation.

1798 - Henry Cavendish, an English chemist and physicist, first measures the force of gravity between two objects.

1846 - Calculations made by English mathematician John Couch Adams enable Johann Galle to see Neptune for the first time.

1856 - Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell proves that Saturn's rings are not solid, liquid or gaseous but are actually made up of different independent particles.

1897 - JJ Thompson, a leading English mathematician and physicist of the late 19th century, discovers the electron.

1919 - During an expedition to view a solar eclipse in Africa, English astrophysicist Arthur Eddington proves Einstein's prediction that gravity bends light.
1932 - English physicist James Chadwick proves the existence of neutrons.

1957 - Launch of first British Skylark sounding rocket.
1957 - The UK’s massive Jodrell Bank radio telescope becomes operational.

1957 - Sputnik becomes the first manmade object to enter orbit.

1957 - Russian dog Laika becomes the first creature to be launched into space.
1959 - In September Soviets crash land a probe on the Moon. A few weeks later Lunik 3 sends back the first pictures of the far side of the Moon.

1959 - First meeting of the British National Committee on Space. This is the first committee to advise the government on space issues. Later in the year, Harold Macmillan announces a new British space research programme.

1961 - Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man to orbit the Earth and returns a hero.

1962 - The first international satellite, Ariel 1, is launched. Built by NASA, it contained six instruments developed by British scientists.

1963 - Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova becomes the first woman in space.

1963 - The British Government establishes the Space Research Management Unit, a forerunner of the BNSC.

1965 - Cosmonaut Alexi Leonov is the first person to ‘walk’ in space.

1967 - The first all British satellite, Ariel 3, is launched.

1969 - On 21 July, Neil Armstrong becomes the first man to set foot on the surface of the Moon.

1971 - British Prospero satellite launched on British Black Arrow launch vehicle.

1975 - The European Space Agency (ESA) is established with the UK, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland as founder members.

1976 - America's Viking I spacecraft lands on Mars and sends back the first photographs of the planet’s surface.

1979 - The first European-built rocket, Ariane 1, successfully completes its maiden flight.

1980 - The Voyager 1 space probe sends back vivid images of Saturn.

1985 - The British Government sets up the BNSC.

1986 - Space station Mir is launched by the Soviet Union.

1988 - Professor Stephen Hawking publishes A Brief History of Time, the most influential book about space written in the last 100 years.

1990 - The Hubble Space Telescope is launched.

1991 - Helen Sharman from Sheffield becomes the first Briton in space when she joins the crew for Project Juno. This was a Soviet mission, partly funded by British companies.

1992 - Michael Foale becomes the first British-born man in space, as part of the crew for the Space Shuttle mission STS45.

1995 - The joint NASA/ESA Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) is launched.

1997 - The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft, a joint mission between NASA, ESA and the Italian Space Agency, is launched to Saturn.

1997 - The Pathfinder robot begins its exploration of Mars.

2001 - The Aurora project begins, with the first launch due in 2011.

2002 - Piers Sellers joins the crew of the STS112 mission and becomes the third British-born astronaut in space.

2002 - The first satellite for the Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC) is launched. All five satellites in the group have been built by Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd.

2003 - The launch of Mars Express.

2003 - Europe’s first mission to the Moon, Smart1, is launched.

2003 - China succeeds in sending its first manned spacecraft into orbit.

2003 - Mars Express arrives in orbit. It releases the Beagle 2 probe but the signal from the lander is lost.

2004 - ESA’s Rosetta spacecraft launched on its way to a rendezvous with Comet 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko.2004 - The Mercury Messenger mission is launched to the Sun’s closest planet.

2005 - The Huygens probe begins its descent through Titan’s atmosphere. The first part of the probe to land on Titan was built in Britain.

2005 - The European Venus Express mission is launched and Mars Express sends back images of the Red Planet.

2005 - The world’s largest and most sophisticated civilian telecommunications satellite, UK-built Inmarsat4 f1, goes into orbit.

2005 - Launch of GioveA, the first satellite in the Galileo global positioning system.

2006 - NASA’s New Horizons mission heads for the outer reaches of our Solar System towards Pluto and the Kuiper Belt.
2006 - Venus Express reaches its final orbit and begins to send back data.

2006 - Solar B, later renamed Hinode, is launched. This three year mission to study the Sun involves ESA and the UK’s Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).

2006 - After a highly successful mission, Smart1 undergoes a controlled 'crash' into the Moon.
2007 - Japan launches Kaguya (formerly SELENE) for a global survey of the Moon.

2008 - India’s first mission to the Moon, Chandrayaan-1, is due for launch.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Undergraduate Education

First destination statistics are currently being received and collated from all schools. Early indications are very positive, with most graduates in full-time employment or postgraduate education. A more detailed report of first destinations will be compiled when all the data have been received.
The Faculty has identified the need to resurrect the National Placement group that disbanded a few years back. An initial meeting of the placement coordinators from each school will take place in early 2009, with the intention that further meetings will expand to include the clinical educators at the Trusts that provide placements for the students. The Allied Health Professions (AHP) education leads are currently putting together a working group to look at possibly having one course for clinical educators that would meet the needs of all AHPs. The Faculty have two representatives on this group.

A meeting for orthotic technicians and assistants was held in the New Year. The intention was to establish their needs from the SCP. Although they are permitted to join as Associate Members, there is not an established structure in place to facilitate their needs and benefits as members.

Quality Assurance Committee (QAC)

The QAC handbook is currently under review, and a new section will be added for the criteria for the accreditation of MSc programmes.
Recruitment Working Party (RWP)
Last year was particularly difficult for schools recruiting new students to the undergraduate programme. All but three schools went into clearing, needing to fill 10-15 of their allocated places. Most schools managed to fill their places by the start of the academic year, with others falling short by just a few students. The RWP made every effort to assist the schools by placing an advertisement in the main clearing supplement 'Which Way', which is sent out to every UCAS applicant. A web page dedicated to clearing was also set up on the SCP site, and from July to September had over 2000 hits.

E-Learning Modules; BMJ OnExamination

The SCP's new e-learning system has been launched in conjunction with BMJ OnExamination and promises to be a beneficial service. Members can access modules on basic clinical subjects such as diabetes and rheumatology at a discounted price, and will be given time to write up notes. On completion of each module, a certificate will be awarded and can be printed and filed in a personal portfolio (of evidence) for future reference. As CPD is now an integral component of continued HPC registration, we are here to provide members with the tools and support they require, ensuring that they stay compliant with the HPC CPD standards. To access the modules at the discounted price, members are directed to register via the homepage on the FeetforLife website.

Return to work

It appears that members currently face certain 'obstacles' in resuming their status on the HPC register following a period of non-practice. With the help of a notice in Podiatry Now, the e-newsletter and on the website calling for volunteer mentors, and applications from those who are in need of mentoring assistance, the Register of Mentors has recruited 28 new mentors, and lists seven schools that provide return-to-work programmes.

Since the start of the scheme in July last year, we have successfully recruited four previously unregistered SCP members (one of whom has gained HPC registration), and we are confident that this number will increase in time, especially as more mentors enlist. We are planning to arrange a 'Mentors Training Day', where all our mentors will be invited along to a session where we hope to have speakers to discuss mentoring skills, requirements and direction.
Continued work on this initiative will help with membership retention and recruitment, encourage the message of ongoing CPD and maintain updated knowledge on professional conduct.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

5 Steps to Getting the Best Tax Attorney

Whether you're a business owner or a regular old Joe needing the assistance of a tax attorney, you need to be ready to invest some time into finding the one that's right for you. Tax attorneys not only have special training, but good tax attorneys also have extensive experience interacting and negotiating with IRS auditors. The job of an IRS auditor is to get as much money as legally possible from you so that the government can have it. They are relentless and often intimidating, so if you find yourself the subject of an audit, you should immediately find an advocate in the form of a tax attorney. Here are five steps to getting the best tax attorney to work for you.

1. Find a tax attorney with experience. Find out what kind of formal education she has and what kinds of certifications she has. How long has she been a tax attorney? Another important factor to research is whether or not she has worked for the IRS in the past. Former IRS agents are invaluable as tax attorneys, and if you have the opportunity to hire one to represent you, you should take advantage of it. Tax attorneys who have worked for other financial authorities are also valuable, so if you can't find a former IRS agent to work for you, find someone who has worked for another large financial authority.
2. Find a tax attorney with quality education. The minimum degree that your tax attorney should have is the LLM in taxation (Master's of Law in Taxation). This is evidence that the attorney completed at least one year of study in tax law. Ideally, you should find a tax attorney who not only has an LLM, but who is also committed to continuing education in the field of tax law. This is critical since tax laws change regularly. One way to find out whether a tax attorney is well-versed in tax law is to conduct an internet search for articles about tax law that this person might have published. This is an indicator that the tax attorney is potentially an authority in the area of tax law.

3. Find a tax attorney that specializes in the issue you're facing. When you interview a potential tax attorney, tell him your unique situation and ask him if he has ever handled a similar situation. While the attorney is prohibited from sharing identifying details about other clients, engage him in a conversation that provides ample evidence for you to determine whether or not he has enough experience with your type of situation to help you effectively.

4. Find a tax attorney who is a skilled communicator. Part of a tax attorney's job is to negotiate with the IRS agent on your behalf. This means that the attorney needs to return phone calls promptly and conduct himself in a professional manner. He should be clear and articulate, and should be able to discuss your particular case in terms that you can understand. If your potential attorney has difficulty expressing himself or doesn't communicate with you in a prompt and professional manner, move on to the next candidate.

5. Find several attorneys from which to choose. When you're on the hunt for a qualified tax attorney, don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Get several different recommendations from friends and family members, or from other business owners who have been audited in the past. Part of managing an audit is timeliness, so if your first choice of attorney doesn't pan out, you don't have time to start a new search from scratch. You should already have a list of three or four and be ready to pursue interviews if your first few aren't going to be able to do a good job for you.

Grammar training ineffective and rather harmful

Most of us know the standard way foreign languages are taught: very little direct practice (in German high schools statistically about 20 hours in eight years!), a lot of translations from one's native to the target language and lots of grammar drill.

The problem with this: it is not only about the most ineffective way of language training, some of these elements such as translations and grammar drill are outright harmful.
Before we get into the details, please consider this: how did you learn to walk? All by yourself I believe and further you might agree that nowhere in the world there is a pediatrician or pedagogue who would advocate special walking instructions and drills for babies and toddlers (unless they were disabled). Likewise we all know that children learn their native language automatically just by listening and gradually communicating with people who are more advanced than they. By the age of six a normally developped child knows about 100,000 words in their native language if you count all word forms, e.g. go -> went, brother -> brethren, may -> might etc. Even a professor who later teaches that language as his best foreign language will hardly ever surpass such a six year old which you can easily check by asking him or her for e.g. a list of thirty types of tree or thirty species of birds, or if he knows the games and toys such child usually plays with in his native language and is accustomed to name.

So we may safely say that nature's normal way of acquiring a language is the best, simply the most effective way and that all other methods lag miles behind. While there are a many fun ways to learn a language, they're still not as effective as the simple way babies acquire their first. But there are certain widely employed methods that are outrright harmful and one of them is grammar training.

Did you ever reflect on grammar when acquiring or using your native language until the age of six? Not really, most people whose parents are accomplished speakers just pick up their parents style and vocabulary. The most important thing though is that we have certain areas in our brains that are trained to distill rules from repeating patterns, such as past tense or the plural "s" as in manner -> manners, fan -> fans, can - cans etc. This process is automatical and the correct "grammatical" rule becomes woven into the language usage pattern and then works without thinking.

But if you force anyone, esp. children, to reflect upon those rules, worse even to learn them up front, then you destroy the rule building process and in the end your child may never learn that language properly but may always stay a self-conscious and slow speaker who always tries to first access the "rule book" now saved in a completely different part of their brain.
This is known since decades, however, modern school currikcula and teacher training does not reflect that knowledge. Rather children are given assignments in their native language and challenged to translate into the target foreign language, whereby they are asked to apply those cherished rules. This is part of a series of articles where we will also cover the harm that's done by forcing children to translate early between languages. Let's just quote a few sources on grammar drill and its effects:

"Why Doesn't Grammar Correction Work? The first reason why writing class grammar feedback doesn't work is that it treats only the surface appearance of grammar and not with the way language develops ... Secondly, learning grammar in a second language is a complex and gradual process which occurs both developmentally and hierarchically (some items are acquired before others). Compounding this is the fact that the learning of linguistic items does not occur in a linear fashion, that the learning curve for an item is full of valleys and peaks, progress and regressions." (Grammar Correction in ESL/EFL Writing Classes May Not Be Effective, Ronald Gray, Beijing Language and Culture University (Beijing, China))

"So what should a L2 writing teacher do? The quickest and most effective solution would be for writing instructors to simply stop making grammar corrections." And take note: "In short, teachers need to train themselves to set aside their red pens and examine ideas and see what students are trying to say instead of simply looking for grammatical errors."

"When you are just learning to speak a new language, learning grammar rules is not only senseless, but harmful as far as developing your ability to fluently express yourself. ... In most cases, our speech is formed by communication, the quantity and quality of studied literature, education, or simply our surrounding environment. During systematic simultaneous repetition, one develops an inner sense of the language, and the ability to imitate correct pronunciation of words and phrases."

Student financial loans-right

If you apply for a Stafford loan you do not have to worry about your credit. The decision of getting a loan is not based on your credit . However, there are strict criteria to qualify for Stafford loans and other loans that do not require a credit check. Even if you qualify the amount of money you wil receive may never cover all your college expenses.

Therefore, credit rating will play a factor in paying for your education. As parents and students trying to obtain additional funding, they will find that having the good results for credit go a long way to go. Having a bad credit score does not have to mean that no one will lend you money. But it wil be much more difficult for you to get a loan and you are almost guaranteed to pay more for it.

So what good credit means for you? This means you get the best loan with the best terms and lowest rates. So you want to know what's your credit standing? Your FICO score is one of the first things to be considered before a loan is extended by anyone. Since this result is so
important, you need to know how it is defined. There is a formula that is not disclosed, but there are enough variables that we know.
A part of these variables are the amount of actual debt you have and the amount of potential debt you have. There is also a matter of paying bills late. The later you pay your bills the more it will be affecting your FICO scores. All these variables and others are not considered equal, but they are all considered. As a parent you have to be very carfull when it comes to your credit, because having problems with your credit can and will reflect badly on your children. The truth is that most students do not have time to establish credit so lenders should base their decisions on parent custody credit. The best situation is when both the Student and the parents do not have any debt. Bad credit rating one can negatively affect the process of obtaining a student loan. It is important to maintain a FICO score at least 650. If the results are lower than that , you will have to work harder to obtain credit and possibly have to pay more for it.

How to recover from a mental illness

You can recover from mental illness. The road to recovery is different for everyone, but there are key strategies needed to successfully continue the recovery of mental illness. The recovery process begins with the belief that you have the power to deal with his mental illness so that it can begin to live a full life again accept personal responsibility for their illness. I understand that it's up to you to follow a treatment plan and get help when needed. Work closely with your doctor to design a treatment plan for recovery from mental illness and who adhere to .

Educate yourself so you know all about your mental illness. Understanding of their illness can help you recover from mental illness. It helps you make wise choices about their treatment and how you live your life. Visit the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) website for information, find and support measures involved in the education and support group programs for specific types of mental illness. NAMI helps you find local support groups and online communities and discussion groups to help them recover from their mental illness better.
Monitor yourself daily to start the recognition of daily events that may trigger or increase the symptoms. This can help you avoid triggers altogether, or at least recognize the warning signs that you may have an episode develop strategies to cope with unexpected situations that can trigger symptoms. Unexpected things happen in life that no one can pull out of their way. A discussion with your spouse, job loss or a notification of a bill could create stress and anxiety that can trigger symptoms and behavior that suggests mental illness .
Create a plan for deal with situations where you realize that may be in trouble. Your plan might include contacting your spouse, parent, trusted friend or doctor to help stabilize the situation so that it can continue to recover from mental illness build some kind of exercise in your daily routine, even if you feel like. Exercise releases endorphins which helps you feel better and can help you recover from mental illness. Go for daily walks or work with your doctor to develop a realistic exercise plan to help in their recovery.

How to Prepare Case Studies


“A case study can be described as the study of an object, person or situation in its natural habitat in an uncontrolled and observational manner”.

When any management graduate undertakes his course; he will frequently come across with various case studies during his academic curriculum. There is no management course without referring to case studies. Research reveals that students may work with as many as 800 case studies during a two year MBA program. It indicates the importance and significance attached to case studies. Apart from Management, the medicine and other courses also club case studies as the part of the academic curriculum. In this context, it is essential to explain the meaning and definition of a case study.


Case study is the study of a particular situation or case or a problem in a given scenario thoroughly after weighing the pros and cons, taking a practically feasible decision in the best interests for effective implementation. Case studies are essential for MBA so that the students can step into the shoes of the given case study, understand the implications and the complications involved and can have the feeling that of a trouble shooter. To put in a nut shell, case study is a simulation of a management situation that helps the management graduates to react in a real situation and helps them by providing right direction towards right decision making and problem solving.The technical students like engineering graduates have both theory and laboratory activities. The faculty teaches the theory in the class room and then takes them to laboratory to try and test what was taught in the class. The students will be in a position to correlate the theoretical concepts and aspects with that of the practical experiments in the laboratory. As a result, the gap between learning and doing is minimized and also students can grasp, understand and memorize quickly. And while doing practical experiments in the laboratory they may have a few doubts and the same can be clarified, verified and authenticated. The case studies are also just like laboratory activities. Since for management education the students can not be taken to industry for each and every theoretical concept the case studies will prove handy for them. When the management concepts are explained then the case studies of the companies are explained so that students in the class room can feel like in a simulated situation and they will be able to understand the concepts effectively and efficiently.

“Case study is a description of an actual administrative solution involving a decision to be made or a problem to be solved. It can be a real situation that actually happened just as described, or portions have been disguised for reasons of privacy”.

Usually the case study can be brief or extensive running from 2 to 30 pages. As such there is no specific rule that the content should be limited or extended up to certain levels. Read the entire text thoroughly once and jot down the key points and concepts and also the important issues involved in it in a separate sheet. Look for 4 W’s in the case such as what is the problem? where is the problem? when the problem started? And why the problem occurred? Relate and correlate all the factors and forces together to have better quick grasp about the case. Also read between the lines keenly. Apply your common sense and make comparative study of the situation. Observe closely if any statistical data is given. Look at the cause and effect relation with in the case study. At times the causes are hidden and it requires extraordinary ability to unearth the hidden causes. It needs probing temperament and correlate the same with the effects. This will help to get at the root of the problem for generating bags of solutions. During this process, the visualization technique is highly useful in order to correlate various things mentally. If time permits read and reread the text more times for getting at the crux of the case. Repeat the process till you get perfection.Create number of multiple solutions to a given problem. Choose the best that suits the present position and adopt. It requires intuition and gut feeling to shortlist the best logical, analytical and appropriate decision. Don’t repeat what is already stated in the case.During the case study analysis and preparation the academician with industrial exposure can deliver better results than mere academician without any industrial experience. The academicians always look at the case purely from their vast theoretical perspective as they are not exposed to industry. Of course, they honed their skills based on reading plenty of case studies. But that will not be sufficient to create effective case studies. On the other hand, the academician who hailed from industrial or from corporate background look at the case from multiple perspectives. They might have faced the same scenario as stated in the case study in their practical life. Therefore, they have ready made and tailor made answers and more solutions to each problem. Case study analysis requires critical and creative thinking. It also requires empathy i.e. stepping into the shoes of a situation and generating multiple solutions.

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Cracking the Entrance Exam for MBA CAT/MAT is not so easy by reading entrance exam books. Specially in India where the number of students appearing each year keeps on increasing by almost 7-10%, but the same is not the case in case of the intake. Specially quality intake.Education plays a significant part in the life of students and much emphasis is raised on this matter by not only the society but also the parents. One reason why India has become a hot spot for BPO, specially call center is due to this simple reason. Years of strong influence by parents to push their children into higher education studies. Result: A large speaking English employees.Though education is highly stressed, but the quality of the education system has been deteriorating over the years. The reasons are manifold. Primary ones being the way the education system is framed and carried out by the government. There is hardly an authoritative body which maintains or inspect the quality system. A large number of students cannot afford the high fees and are dependent on educational loan, hence the focus is always on government based colleges. Secondly, in most of the cases the staff employed is highly qualified. Recently it was discovered the a person who had not even cleared his under graduation was teaching to the primary school. No doubt, he may had the knowledge for it but he did not had the educational qualification to teach. takes you through practicing for, scheduling, and taking the MBA exam preparation, CAT, CAT 2009, CAT preparation, CAT preparation in India, CAT entrance examination, CAT materials, CAT sample papers, free CAT study materials, CAT online exam, CAT online free test - Includes planning for college and notifications, including choosing, getting accepted, and obtaining financial aid. Use the site map to access vocational guidance through the Major & Careers Central section. Also has data and research on college, student aid, standard tests, college fees, and other issues from the College Board.