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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

5 Steps to Getting the Best Tax Attorney

Whether you're a business owner or a regular old Joe needing the assistance of a tax attorney, you need to be ready to invest some time into finding the one that's right for you. Tax attorneys not only have special training, but good tax attorneys also have extensive experience interacting and negotiating with IRS auditors. The job of an IRS auditor is to get as much money as legally possible from you so that the government can have it. They are relentless and often intimidating, so if you find yourself the subject of an audit, you should immediately find an advocate in the form of a tax attorney. Here are five steps to getting the best tax attorney to work for you.

1. Find a tax attorney with experience. Find out what kind of formal education she has and what kinds of certifications she has. How long has she been a tax attorney? Another important factor to research is whether or not she has worked for the IRS in the past. Former IRS agents are invaluable as tax attorneys, and if you have the opportunity to hire one to represent you, you should take advantage of it. Tax attorneys who have worked for other financial authorities are also valuable, so if you can't find a former IRS agent to work for you, find someone who has worked for another large financial authority.
2. Find a tax attorney with quality education. The minimum degree that your tax attorney should have is the LLM in taxation (Master's of Law in Taxation). This is evidence that the attorney completed at least one year of study in tax law. Ideally, you should find a tax attorney who not only has an LLM, but who is also committed to continuing education in the field of tax law. This is critical since tax laws change regularly. One way to find out whether a tax attorney is well-versed in tax law is to conduct an internet search for articles about tax law that this person might have published. This is an indicator that the tax attorney is potentially an authority in the area of tax law.

3. Find a tax attorney that specializes in the issue you're facing. When you interview a potential tax attorney, tell him your unique situation and ask him if he has ever handled a similar situation. While the attorney is prohibited from sharing identifying details about other clients, engage him in a conversation that provides ample evidence for you to determine whether or not he has enough experience with your type of situation to help you effectively.

4. Find a tax attorney who is a skilled communicator. Part of a tax attorney's job is to negotiate with the IRS agent on your behalf. This means that the attorney needs to return phone calls promptly and conduct himself in a professional manner. He should be clear and articulate, and should be able to discuss your particular case in terms that you can understand. If your potential attorney has difficulty expressing himself or doesn't communicate with you in a prompt and professional manner, move on to the next candidate.

5. Find several attorneys from which to choose. When you're on the hunt for a qualified tax attorney, don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Get several different recommendations from friends and family members, or from other business owners who have been audited in the past. Part of managing an audit is timeliness, so if your first choice of attorney doesn't pan out, you don't have time to start a new search from scratch. You should already have a list of three or four and be ready to pursue interviews if your first few aren't going to be able to do a good job for you.

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