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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Genetic Disease

A genetic disease or disorder is any disease that is caused by an abnormality in an individual's genome. The abnormality can range from minuscule to major -- from a discrete mutation in a single base in the DNA of a single gene to a gross chromosome abnormality involving the addition or subtraction of an entire chromosome or set of chromosomes.

Why do we have genes that cause genetic disorders?

Many genes are named for the disorders to which they have been linked. This can be very confusing. For example, the gene associated with hereditary hemochromatosis is called the “hemochromatosis gene.” This name implies that the gene exists for the sole purpose of causing disease, which of course is not the case. The normal function of a gene is to encode a protein, not cause illness. Disease occurs when genes are unable to work properly. The hemochromatosis gene actually codes for a membrane protein that works with other proteins to regulate iron absorption in cells. Like other single-gene disorders, hemochromatosis occurs when a gene is mutated in a way that prevents it from encoding a normal, functional protein product. See hereditary hemochromatosis disorder and gene profiles for more information about this condition.

People who have one recessive gene for a disease are called carriers, and they don't usually have the disease because they have a normal gene of that pair that can do the job. When two carriers have a child together, however, the child has a 1 in 4 (25%) chance of getting the disease gene from both parents, which results in the child having the disease. Cystic fibrosis (a lung disease), sickle cell anemia (a blood disease), and Tay-Sachs disease (which causes nervous system problems) are caused by recessive disease genes from both parents coming together in a child.

Children and adults with a rare genetic disease have multiple needs to address: health concerns, primarily, but others as well. As a service to the global Jewish community, is committed to gathering and compiling data about Jewish genetic disorders. More importantly,’s mission is to serve as the ultimate information resource by surfacing areas of assistance online and in the real world. It is not’s intent to choose resources, but rather to make support information and resources of any kind available to the people and to the families afflicted by these diseases.

Dancing as a Part of Studying at School

School dances are well-liked with the student body; however they frequently take many planning and high-quality organization to make them doing well. A 1950’s theme school dance is an extremely customary school dance, back when good ol’ rock n’ roll was only getting in progress. Parents will be expected to smile when they drop their kids off for the dance, since this is the music of their personal parents’ taste. Here are a number of rockin’ tips to get your 1950’s dance off to a swinging beginning!

Tip 1: Get Students Occupied. A school dance will not be winning till the students are involved in it, regardless of what the theme is. Let the students take part in an election, or make a committee of involved students to make a decision on the theme. Just confirm that the students’ voices are heard on all parts of the dance, even if you can’t contribute all wishes the children have – they will definitely be grateful for being listened to and you will know for sure that the dance will be well-attended.

Tip 2: Get Parents Concerned: each school dance requires parents to be chaperones or to assist supervise learners with decorating. Dependent on how big the dance is, will decide how many parents you in fact need. Other than involve every parent that steps ahead to assist in some way, since they have volunteered their time as well as their services.

Tip 3: Set a Date: coming across the ideal date for your 1950’s theme dance can be established best by chatting with students. Find out when they are going to pass exams and confirm the dance is not held throughout that week to get in the way with studies. Look at the school schedule to see when school vacations will happen that year.

Autism Communication

Autism communication – what does this mean?
Astonishingly up to 50 percent of children with autism will never develop speech, whilst the others will develop some form of early communication skills.
However, autistic children rarely engage in effective communicationWhen we think of speech – language we refer to the body of words, the formations of sounds, as well as the structures and forms used to construct speech.

Communication on the other hand can occur either verbally through speech or non-verbally through the use of spoken words, gestures, signs, or by pointing to printed words or symbols.
To communicate effectively, we must firstly be able to understand why we need to communicate with others, have the desire to communicate, have somebody to communicate with, have something to communicate about, and have a means of expressing ourselves.

With autism communication, sometimes this inquisitiveness is missing, the lack of interest in their surroundings and the lack of effective eye contact make learning communication very difficult.

By the time a non-verbal autistic child starts school, they may already have seen a speech therapist to establish a program to aid with the development of effective communication. The speech therapist will need to determine some appropriate objectives and goals, a base level of communication will be established by carefully observing the child within the school setting.

Autistic children tend to be visual learners, which is why studies have shown that autism social stories are an excellent aid in developing good foundations for behavior and social skills for autistic children and adults. As well as excellent tools for helping develop communication skills.

Earth Science

Earth science is an all-embracing term for the sciences related to the study of the earth and of the universe around it, making it a wide scientific discipline covering all facets of how the earth works. It is a special case in planetary science as the earth is the only known life-bearing planet. Earth Science is also known as the Earth Sciences, Geoscience, and the Geosciences.

There are four major disciplines in earth sciences, namely geography, geology, geophysics and geodesy. These major disciplines use physics, chemistry, biology, chronology and mathematics to build a quantitative understanding of the principal areas or spheres of the Earth system
Let me give you a brief idea about the various disciplines of earth science. Soil science is the study of soil as a natural resource on the surface of the earth including soil formation, classification and mapping; physical, chemical, biological, and fertility properties of soils; and these properties in relation to the use and management of soils

Geography is the study of the Earth and its lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena. A literal translation would be "to describe or write about the Earth". Our historical traditions in geographical research are the spatial analysis of natural and human phenomena (geography as a study of distribution), area studies (places and regions), study of man-land relationship, and research in earth sciences.


The stratosphere is the second major layer of Earth's atmosphere, just above the troposphere, and below the mesosphere. It is stratified in temperature, with warmer layers higher up and cooler layers farther down.

Geodesy, also called geodetics, a branch of earth sciences, is the scientific discipline that deals with the measurement and representation of the Earth, including its gravitational field, in a three-dimensional time-varying space.

Well, above is a description about earth science and its' major branches. The study of Earth Science is vital to understand our "Mother Earth" properly and to develop a responsibility for preserving and maintaining the biodiversity and natural habitat.

Outdoor Educations

Outdoor education usually refers to organized learning that takes place in the outdoors. There are various outdoor activities like hiking, climbing, canoeing, ropes courses, and group games. Some of the aims of the outdoor education are to bring the children closer to Mother Nature, builds self confidence, how children can manage difficult situations, to enhance personal and social development. The various outdoor activities include abseiling, backpacking, camping, canoeing, Geo caching, kayaking, nature study, questing, rafting, rock climbing, ropes course, sail training, snowboarding, and way finding. Outdoor education is education ‘in’, ‘about’, and ‘for’ the out of doors.

Outdoor education can occur in a school yard, swamps, meadows, forests, shores, lakes, prairies, deserts, estuaries, and biomes. About explains that the topic is the outdoors itself and the cultural aspects related to the natural environment. You can teach about mathematics, biology, geology, communication, history, political science, art, physical skills, or endurance in outdoors. But students mainly learn about soil, water, animals and plants as it is related to natural environment. ‘For’ tell us that the purpose of outdoor education is related to cognitive, psycho-motor, and other domains of learning for ecosystem. Abseiling is an outdoor activity. It is the process of descending a rope under control, used in rock climbing, mountaineering, caving, and canoeing. It is also called as rappelling, rap jumping, rappling etc. Various equipment that are needed for abseiling is helmets, gloves, and boots, knee-pads, ropes, harness, and rappel device. Backpacker packs all of his or her gear into a backpack. This gear must include food, water, shelter or some other little things that are needed. Backpacking may last just for a weekend or even for weeks or months.

Camping is an outdoor activity. Campers get away from the urban areas in general and enjoy nature while spending one or more nights, usually at a campsite. Camping equipments that are needed includes a tent, sleeping bag, air mattress, portable stove, lantern, and hatchet, ropes, and chuck box. Some campers may prepare food by cooking on a campfire, use equipment called as Dutch oven. Geocaching is an outdoor treasure-hunting game in which the participants use a global positioning system receiver or other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers anywhere in the world. Rafting is a challenging recreational activity utilizing a raft to navigate a river or other bodies of water. Outdoor activities that are conducted by Pali institute include deep creek hike, outdoor cooking, forest ecology, orienteering, bird brains, wilderness survival, animal survivor, day hike, archery.

Learning Music (Adult)

While we have all heard stories of child prodigies and the importance of learning music as a child, an adult can still learn to play an instrument quite well. Even with no prior experience, the right training can help an adult learn to play music just as well as a child. The main thing is to find the right way to learn, whether it's through a tutor or self-study.

Adult learners come with their own baggage, often from childhood lessons. Adult piano students may have had bad experiences with music lessons as a child. These can range from scary instructors to endless exercises or abusive teacher-student relationships. Sometimes a teacher may have punished the student for not being skilled enough, while other times a teacher may have pushed a promising student too hard. This is one of the hurdles that come with learning music as an adult.

Accepting the teacher as an authority figure is another difficulty that comes with learning music as an adult. An adult has learned to be independent. An adult wants to take part in the development of curriculum and wants to be able to self-evaluate. It may be difficult for an adult to simply listen and take instruction from a music instructor. So the best avenue for learning music as an adult may be to self-tutor or to find an instructor who teaches by long distance via the internet. There are many wonderful piano courses available nowdays on the web: just type in something like "play piano" on any search engine, and you'll find several.

Learning music as an adult can also be difficult because of ingrained personality traits. Even the most outwardly confident adults get insecure when someone points out their flaws. So it goes with learning music. If a tutor is used, an adult can get embarrassed when the tutor corrects a mistaken note or technique. Some adults may have difficulty breathing and concentrating when they're highly nervous. All of these can lead to a difficult learning environment.

Adults also demand comfort. This is why adults often learn an instrument in their own home. Children are less demanding about the hardness of a piano bench, for example. Adults may have back problems or other conditions that require a high comfort level. So the basic ingredients for learning music as an adult are adaptable tutoring, reason for learning, confidence and comfort. By taking these key points and seeking the best method of learning for yourself, you can become an adult musical genius -- well, maybe not a genius -- maybe just a person who has more fun. Or maybe you'll be the guy or gal at parties who knows how to play the latest song everyone is talking about. With the right teaching, grown ups can enjoy playing music wherever they go.

An Education In The Arts

For some people art is just something you put on your refrigerator doors. It is something you have to do for schoolwork, or to while your time away. In truth, there truly is something beneath the surface of art that will tantalize every student and teacher. And this is the truth behind art education.
Q. What Is An Education In The Arts? A. Art Education is the means by which a student gains an understanding of form and design. An education in the arts is typically divided into three areas - the fine arts, such as music, drama, sculpture or painting, the general arts, programs such as education, criminology, etc, and design, such as graphic design, web design, or interior design
Q. Why Arts? A. Art has a great power to influence people. It also has a significant effect on the history of man. Art may seem like it is just something pretty, but under the hood it boasts of a pretty powerful engine. One that has shaped the world, and indeed your very life. You can't go one day in the span of your life without being exposed to some form of artistic design.
A wise man once said that an education in the arts is the absolute best education one can have because it exposes you to the most general field of studies. Over time, you will know a little about everything. If you chose a more specialized field, you would gradually learn more and more about less and less. And I'd rather know a little about everything than everything about something, don't you agree?
1. Express Yourself
Art is by far one of the most rewarding careers because, unlike a career in the sciences or a trade, it allows you to express your creativity. And no two days are the same. The power to captivate and inspire is also very rewarding. Hasn't the Mona Lisa drawn its share of oohs and aahs? And hasn't many a tear been shed at the beautiful works of art around the world? Man has always expressed his deepest thoughts and desires in a tangible form. This form is Art.
Industries need artists who have had a good education in Art. Creating labels, stickers, and advertisements for their products isn't easy. These things require plenty of thought and design. Every detail has been considered to make its effect on the consumer optimal. Have you ever been interested in a product simply because of the packaging? This is art at work.
2. Art Is Everywhere
Color - Psychology - Design esthetics - Advertisements - Television & Movies - Furniture - Clothing
3. Who Should Study Art?
Almost everyone has gone to art class in grade school or high school. Even those who are not artists can benefit from an Art Education. They will come to appreciate the rich history and significance of Art.
4. The Rewards Of An Art Education
You may be tempted to think you will be able to wing it through a career without any formal training. That is possible, but not likely. Industries are on the lookout for those with professional education. Even with an education from a post-secondary institution, in this field, you never stop learning and keeping up with technology.
An Art Education is clearly important to artists and laymen alike. It may not be the path everyone takes, but it is the path that richly rewards those who take it. The riches here are not only of the material kind but that of a good education and a heightened appreciation of the world around you.

Health Education

Health care education is a discipline that affects the entire realm of society. It provides the grounds on which the societies can foster saver means of enjoying their lives and keeping their lives at harms length from infectious diseases and infections. Public health professionals play a detrimental role in uplifting the society and its overall performance. It is imperative that the courses taught at any certification level of health care education be comprehensively synchronized with the market trends and the ailments that are prevalent in society.

Over the course of last decade, major diseases and infections all over the world that were once labeled as major threats have now been categorized and given under control ratings. Thousands of people are saved each year through different divisions and units of the health care departments. Heath care teams work around the clock in providing verbal and written messages to the masses. Local health care programs in communities provide schools with information regarding pollution, hazards of smoking and taking drugs. Health care professionals also execute programs in vaccination techniques in all corners of the world. Due to the criticality of their job roles, educational institutions rolling out health care programs need to ensure that all the possibilities of controlling and preventing key diseases and infections are taught and international trends are communicated. The students need to learn the art of saving lives without neglecting their lives as well.

The intent of all the health care education colleges and universities should be to identify health care risks and coordinate public programs and public services that not only improve mental and physical health, prevent diseases and health risks, eliminate violence in communities but also benchmark statistics and requirements for quality civil and public living standards. The benchmarks will be used as standards all over the world.

Architecture Career Dictates the Environment

The traditional architecture career besides professional architects, principal, project architect, staff architect, draftsperson, or intern can offer some other positions which are also good opportunities for architects’ jobs. It is not necessary that an architect can be architect only. An architect can have many other career opportunities. Some careers which can additionally be required besides that of an architect are for example architectural critic, architectural photographer, building inspector, city planner, civil engineer, construction inspector, construction manager, design/build team manager.

Other examples could be: environmental planner, furniture designer, graphic designer, illustrator, landscape architect, market researcher, museum curator, publisher, real estate agent, structural engineer, technical writer, TV/film producer, web site designer. Architects jobs offer a big range of the architecture career possibilities. For example a building inspector is all the time necessary on a building area.

His duty is to inspect the area on a general level. He is responsible for the safety of the buildings under construction. The same can be said about the city planer That is why architectural education is a nice opportunity for a range of jobs. The most important duties an architect should have is that of managing and estimating the space, size, materials, light and other components which enter in the constructional process. Architects jobs represent a good opportunity for those who would like to have an impact on the surroundings

Architects jobs require full attention to the local laws and jurisdictions regarding buildings. They should know the law regulating the building of massive edifices, the safety engineering, parking limitations, there are limitations regarding the usage of glass in some areas, all these necessitate a very careful study from the architects’ side.

Architects are responsible for our habitations, they dictate the fashion of the cities, they preserve the architectural heritage of the countries, they are responsible for the comfort and for the emotion a city can provide. So based on this it is possible to state that an architecture has a strong impact on our lives.

Computer Software Engineer

Anyone looking at a career in this field must have strong investigative and analytical talent. They must also be able to work well as a team member, with other staff, and relate to clientele. They often deal with several tasks at the same time (multi-tasking), they must also be able to focus on detail. A video game programmer is a computer programmer who primarily builds video games or associated software (such as flight simulators for the government). Video programming has a lot of the same functions that a regular computer programmer uses but the graphic interface is the biggest difference. The design of the programs that create these video games can be a rewarding and money-making endeavor. Why is that? Well, the video game market has been a real growth industry for most of the last decade. If you know nothing to very little about programming or game programming, just go to this web site: GameDev dot net. You will find a great beginning reference for anyone that wants to get into the business of programming games. It answers many fundamental questions about how to start and where to get more information about game programming.

The question of whether video games improve brain function has never been clinically tested with any degree of scientific certainty. However the empirical evidence leads one to answer yes and from my personal experience I agree that video games do improve brain function. My children grew up playing video games from the time they were three years old. When the first video games started production around 1978 I introduced them to my three kids and we played games and learned to write programs. When the observation that children are better at technological things than adults is made I related this to the familiarity with using a computer for gaming. I also observed that use made the hand to eye coordination of my children superior to that of their peers.

Most professional video game programmers started programming when they were very young. Many of them had computers at home and they spent a lot of time behind a monitor "hacking" programs. You will also find most potential programmers more interested in reading a research paper than a comic book. Some of them take computer-related courses in High School but end up with a post graduate degree in a Computer Software Engineer related field. The middle fifty percent of computer software engineers earned between $67,000 and $105,000 in 2006. Those in the lowest ten percent of the group earned less than $53,000 per year, whereas the highest paid ten percent made more than $126,000 per year. The number of computer software engineer jobs is anticipated to increase much faster than the average, as companies look for additional ways to get in front of the competition and make operations the most proficient. Another factor driving the interest in this group is the problems with cyber security. However, job growth in this field may not be as rapid as it has been the last two decades as some of work is outsourced to foreign countries.

Natural Health Sciences

Natural health sciences have taken on a whole new dimension with the creation and expansion of the large assortment of healing arts schools and colleges available today. For example, students can invest time and tuition to achieve a Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Science in Nutrition. Natural health studies that are provided in these degree programs involve anatomy, physiology, whole foods, organic chemistry and biochemistry, food science, nutritional supplements and herbal medicine, physical fitness, and related natural health sciences. However, be prepared -- most degree programs in these and other natural health sciences require prerequisite education from an accredited school or university; and may take up to four years to complete.

If you choose to pursue an education in herbology, there are a number of degree programs in natural health sciences that cover this field of study as well. Currently, candidates can apply to a Bachelor of Science Degree program with a major in herbal sciences, and earn a solid educational foundation to become an herbal instructor, herbalist, wellness practitioner, herbal medicine researcher, or holistic health practitioner, among others. Common natural health sciences that are offered in this course of study include herbal sciences, anatomy, pathology, pharmacology, physiology, biochemistry and organic chemistry, microbiology, Materia Medica, herbal preparation and formulas, and more.

Information Technology

IT defines as Information Technology, IT is consists of study, design, advance development, accomplishment, support or administration of computer foundation information system, mostly software application and computer hardware. Information technology works with the use of electronic computers and computer software to renovate, defend, development, and broadcast and other information.Information technology has overstuffed to cover many features of computing and technology, and this word is more familiar than ever before. Information technology subject can be quite large, encompassing many fields.

IT professionals perform different types of responsibilities that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks. IT professional’s responsibilities are data management, networking, database, software design, computer hardware, management and administration of whole system. IT (Information Technology) is combined word of computer and communications or “InfoTech”. Information Technology illustrates any technology which helps to manufacture, manipulate, accumulate, communicate or broadcast information.

Information Communications Technology (ICT)
ICT term comprises the entire technology for communication of advance information. It includes any intermediate to record information by paper, magnetic disk or tape, pen, optical disks, flash memory, CD/DVD etc. and also ICT technology used for broadcasting information by television, radio, microphone, loudspeaker and cellular phones. Information technology transfer information with the help of satellite system and intercontinental cables. Defiantly IT has developed into a type of a hub for communicating information.Informative modeling: - it is an interdisciplinary myth for connecting information technologies field with architectural examination and modeling. IM aspires at improving the way evidences and information about architectural objects developed throughout time can be demonstrated. IM applies for studying of historic architecture, and objects been broadly transformed.Technical support: - it is a range of services which has provided by technology products as mobile cell phone, television and computers or electronic & mechanical gadgets. Technical services attempt to facilitate the user resolve specific problems with the product. Somewhat that offering training, support services and other customization.Most of the companies recommend technical support on behalf of the products, either they are freely available or for a pay. Technical support can be conveyed by the telephone or with the help of various channels like e-mail or a website. Major organizations having frequently internal technical service available to staff for pc related problems. Also internet is the best place to convey your problem in form of message and it’s freely available for tech support, where many of experienced users may advice and assistance you.

21st Century

The concept of a 21st century education might be an abstract and imaginative idea even today. Even when the wonders of technology and high finance continues to be an untapped resource where one can take advantage, the perception of most people still rely on the thinking process of the last century. As they say, people who are enjoying the trend are the ones who end up being ordinary. Thus the concept of 21st century education tries to change the olden perspective
Education in the 21st Century
One can ask why wealth-building is a 21st century perspective. In other words, why is there a date to it?The lingo denotes a lot of things. First, the 21st century represents a trend and a future. This kind of education persists at a time where wealth creation through the latest technology exploits, and finance with ever increasing capital mobility is possible. Thus, this idea will continue to be relevant and critical for people willing to find the best economic standing today. Second, 21st century education denotes a time removed from previous centuries. Therefore, there is a historical hinge to the meaning of 21st century education. The 19th century is a drive toward modernity where one can be successful by a good education and hard work. The 20th century talks about a highly urban lifestyle and the increasing relevance of college education and white collar jobs. The 21st century talks about a different perspective in which anyone who sees the trend can identify with.Finally, the aim of 21st century education is to ask people why we think the same way for two centuries. It hopes to promote a new way of looking at a healthy financial lifestyle using today's practices.
Challenging How We Learn
The key to 21st century education is to leave classic education behind or to modify it to be at par with the ever changing times. Unfortunately, the shift of university education to develop people with the skills of today's demanding job cycles is not catching up. The new education does not only question how we learn but also why we need to study what we study. Does the current educational system adaptive enough to make a student successful ten to twenty years down the line? Are we teaching students about financial responsibility?
Changing Perspective
Knowing that there is a system to teach us how to be successful today is sadly not enough. Since there are no institutions that can put up a 21st century curriculum, we might be hard pressed to equip ourselves with this kind of education. However, if a few very successful people can apply it now, why can't we?21st century education talks about catching up with a changed perspective. It all starts with opening our minds and being flexible with all the ideas a 21st century education feeds. There are some ideas that we might not agree on, but then we can contribute to the trend all the same. Learning the ropes of today's world starts with finding way to think creatively in a very creative world, and getting your ideas out in a world that breathes on global fad.Wealth creation is a 21st century perspective. It teaches us that wealth creation is not exclusive for the rich. This time, the masses can be empowered to create a healthy financial lifestyle. By applying the principles of 21st century education, we can exploit the market lows, save us from debt, and ensure comfortable lifestyle years after retirement.

Importance Of Quality Education

The basic tenant of education encompasses more than just the teaching of what we know to our young. As well as passing on essential skills like language and the basic functions of living, education passes on the culture of a society. These are the intangible patterns of behavior that distinguish each group of people as a unique set. Education is designed to show how the information learned can be used to make judgment decisions and thereby construct new ways of combining that information into a basis of wisdom.Education of the young begins at infancy with the teaching of basic activity. Most early education involved physical activity and coordination.

With time, language skills are added and the beginnings of socialization take place as the toddler is instructed on what is considered proper behavior for their society. This early, at-home, education may include not only the practical aspects of life but religious or spiritual instruction as well.Since the education of the young is of utmost importance to the continued health of a society, most governing bodies have a schooling system in place where a standardized series of instruction can be presented. In the formal educational system teaching is the primary form of delivering the instruction to the students. Specific skills and knowledge are passed on in the form of lectures, work sessions and reading material. The hands-on approach to learning is a very effective form of education. By performing the selected task themselves, students are more likely to gain a deeper understanding of how the instruction they have been given actually relates to the task.The cultures of the modern industrialized world generally divide the levels of education for their young into several specific groupings.

Primary education deals with the more fundamental knowledge topics. Here language skills of reading and writing are supplemented with mathematics, science and history. Once the student has obtained a firm base of information they are promoted to a secondary level where more individualized or specialized skills are acquired. Mathematics will be extended to geometry and calculus. General science will branch out to separate fields of biology, health and chemistry. In the United States particularly, these first two levels of education are required of all citizens as a base education to be a functioning member of society.

Real Estate Education

Real estate education according to it very basic description refers to education about real estate. Indeed, there are many things to learn about in real estate. In many developed countries, real estate education is a highly developed field. There are entire institutes that are developed for this profession. Also, there are many regulations that apply to this field. Therefore, it can be said that there are two branches of learning that essentially apply to real estate education; one is the legal face of real estate, and the other include the technical aspect.The technical aspects of real estate education are many. There are indeed many things to learn about in this field. This is because of the specialization brought to this field. Indeed, the real estate field has become increasingly specialized for more than one reason. Not only has it been refined because of technological advancement, but also because of the importance that is now given to customer service. Like many other fields, customer service has affected the real estate field. A great many real estate deals often depend on customer service, and this is why a lot of attention is now being paid to it.Whenever real estate business have new ideas to implement, customer service is always given due consideration. In real estate education, students are taught about paying attention to the importance of customers whenever they come up with an idea.Apart from real estate education involving awareness development for customer service, there is a myriad of other important aspects. These aspects include ideas like market demand, which in itself includes aspects like convenience in a locality.Most real estate education centers will teach you about the ‘convenience’ factor. This convenience refers to how close a residence may be to shopping centers, hospitals, schools, etc.

People are most likely to select homes that allow them to reach such important places at their convenience and in the shortest possible time. Some of these places need to be reached on a daily basis. For examples, children need to attend schools at least 5 times a week. Families are more likely to purchase or rent homes that can facilitate them in this way.Real estate education also teaches students about the cost factor as well. The cost of a home is most likely to correspond with the type of locality it is in. This is because homes that are considered to be in convenient locations are high in demand. This demand factor is what pushes the value of homes higher. However, there is a limit placed on how much a home may cost in most developed countries. This is where the legal aspects come into action.The legal aspects in real estate education allow a student to learn about various important issues. Some of these issues include the costs of homes. They may also include learning about the formal paperwork for homes, which is a very important process in real estate business.Indeed, the legal side of real estate education is quite extensive, and this side influences a great deal of a real estate agent’s business. In a real estate agent’s daily dealings, legal aspects apply. Therefore, the importance of it cannot be emphasized more.Real estate education, as we have briefly seen above, is an interesting field.

It allows students to learn about the entire industrial setup of the real estate industry. This includes the technical aspects as well as the legal aspects.Real estate education is now a specialized field, and it is becoming focused as time progresses. While technological advancement has played a role in this, so has customer service awareness has had a tremendous impact. Therefore, a lot of the specialization that a student learns about in real estate education is influenced by customer service awareness.There are many real estate education centers available to students who want to learn about this field and make their careers in it. These centers provide complete training and short courses that prepare individuals to act efficiently in this field. There are also online courses available for those who do not have the time to physically attend classes. All teaching materials and instructions are supplied online. While one may think that this is not a feasible way to learn, it is actually a way of learning that is growing more and more popular. Hence, real estate education can also be availed online too.

Diversity in Education

Diversity in education covers a large number of areas that deal in improving education and providing a greater number of opportunities to those who want to learn. While this is one way of looking at diversity, other descriptions would entail including all types of learners and including a wide number of subject areas and disciplines. The impact of this has led to a greater number of people from different backgrounds being able to seek an education.Diversity in education is a subject that has been discussed and researched in detail. Prior to the idea of education diversity, it was believed that there many people being denied their right to an education.

Also, those who had opportunities did not get to study the things they really wanted to. This led to much controversy, debate, etc. which has only been good for education as a whole. Different regions of the world have since then managed to include disciplines in education that can benefit their learners more. Today, there is a wider variety of subjects available to learners that were never available before. Indeed, there has been much subject diversification under the belt of education diversity. Many years ago, there was just the limited range of academic subjects and courses that students of a fixed age bracket were compelled to study.

Today, this has been transformed. There are courses now available to people regardless of the age bracket they may come under. There are also many more subjects to study. For example, performing arts is a broad category under which a number of arts can be studied. This broad category has been developed extensively over the last 30 years. Today, it is a specialized field of study that only serious musicians, actors, artists, etc. pursue. Diversity in education also encompasses a variety of learning preferences. While there is a mainstream means of learning through formal school education, there are also methods that have been discovered. Many years ago, people shunned learners that could not fit into this formal learning system. As a result, there were many people who ended up wasting their lives without achieving an education. Many of these shunned individuals were later discovered to be ones that had different forms of intelligence. This included dyslexics for example, who proved that they were alternative thinkers. Many learners who could not fit into the mainstream learning environment were deemed to be deviants or mentally impaired. However, the reality was quite different. While some mainstream thinkers thought these individuals could not learn other experts discovered that these people were not taught according to their perceptive skills. For example, some of them required more attention in order to get them to study. These very learners would eventually become speedy learners once they were propelled into a learning method that suited them.

It is true to say that many people who cannot fit into the mainstream learning system, require a greater amount of attention. Not many schools were willing to spend the extra time required. However, today, there are specialized education boards and institutions that deal with alternative learning abilities. Some of these organizations have discovered learners that only appear to be under average, but are actually super creative individuals. The sad truth is that many individuals with alternative learning abilities were brutally ignored in the past. The good news is that many or these individuals are being discovered today, and they are being allowed to develop themselves in a manner that suits them. Diversity in education, as we have seen here, covers several areas, and these areas themselves encompass issues and topics that are of a great variety. Diversity in education itself is a healthy ongoing debate that is a must for future development in education. Without doubt, it can be said that education has developed a great deal thanks to debates in diversity. However, there may be a lot more to discover, and given that many large portions of the world population lack opportunities to get an education, efforts must be sustained. This is said with due consideration given to the fact that there are many alternative or unconventional learners in developed and developing countries that are still being ignored. Therefore, the debate must continue.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Obama’s Education Opinion

Obama says testing alone is not the solution for improving student performance. The countries financial investments should support better K12 teaching not testing. In his opinion we are attacking the education system which we should be trying to bolster. Obama says too much time is spent preparing students for No Child Left Behind testing. The results of these failed policies are putting a strangle hold on education. Student's minds are no longer nourished by the knowledge that teachers impart. How can a teacher focus on course content when their schools very existence hinges on testing scores? Obama says we need to make a greater investment in changing education.
He also states that teachers should be paid higher salaries. The teaching profession has lost its glimmer because our country is not investing in K12 education. Obama's opinion in this area shows that he is looking at the future. Within the next ten years a massive number of teachers will retire. It will be difficult to replace them if teachers cannot make a living wage. These potential teachers will go into other professions. Teachers want to work in a country where they do not have to struggle due to financial obligations after college.

Our country needs new leadership to effectively craft teacher and student friendly education policy. Obama is striking the right cord with many educators who are in higher education. He has taken his campaign to college campuses around the country. He is demonstrating how much he values the opportunity to be educated. Obama's family could not afford to send him to the most expensive K12 schools but he still learned the value of education. He wants to open the doors for many students who feel that the doors of higher education will never open for them.

Obama is demonstrating the true qualities of a leader. His history of serving as a volunteer in his community has put him in touch with the education gap that is like the Grand Canyon in many of our nation's inner cities. His thirst for change in the way that we educate our nation's youth is a breath of fresh air. Obama has an opinion that United States citizens should unit around the value of improving access to good education.

Medieval Education

Medieval education is about education that was conducted in the medieval period. Medieval education is seen as quite an unusual form of education. However, by the 15th century, there were options for a student to be educated further. Some schools even housed both genders, but this was during the day only. Children were taught their basics, such as how to read and write. This is because these were the basic requirements if they wanted to be accepted under apprenticeship in any guild. Medieval education also consisted of peasant children going to school. However, they made up a very small number. They were taught how to read and write, and also studied basic math. This education for peasants was usually conducted at a monastery. As part of medieval education, noble girls and even boys were sent to learn at nunneries. There, they would receive their basic education. The nuns taught these students how to read and write too. They would also teach them how to pray. Girls were additionally taught how to spin and do needlework amid other domestic skills. These were inculcated in order to prepare them for later life, as these were basic skills required when a woman got married. If a child took his or her education seriously at a monastery, he or she would have a monastic life. However, this was quite rare for an average townsman or peasant. Also, these individuals would be carefully selected for these ranks. If they were deemed suitable according to their demeanour, they would be brought up by the monks. Today, medieval education practices are still visible. The same monastery education students are given is a clear reflection of it. The education that children receive at missionary schools in various parts of the world also reflects similar forms of education. A major difference that is seen is the widespread existence of books. In medieval times, there were many schools that operated without the use of books. Students were taught by skilled masters, and were often educated for dubious benefits. The rich or others that did provide education in medieval times did so for their personal gain. There were very few that really wanted to educate people in the true spirit of enlightening more minds.

As time has passed by, some aspects of medieval education have faded while others have remained. It can be argued that the aspects of medieval education that were useful for the purpose of education have remained. Regardless of some characteristics remaining, the overall process has changed a great deal. This is because education could not have the same face as it did hundreds of years ago. Today’s education is different from medieval education in so many ways. For example, you have the inclusion of group work and activity based learning. You also have the inclusion of computers for education in this modern age. No one in the medieval period would have ever contemplated the use of such items.

Another important development to mention, and one that is used almost throughout the world is the Montessori method. This is something that did not exist in the medieval period, and it took many years for it to be popularized since Maria Montessori first used it. Indeed, the Montessori Method cannot be likened to any medieval method of education. It was developed independently as an innovative teaching method. In addition to the Montessori Method, there are other teaching areas today that have been developed without any medieval education influence.
Though medieval education has provided the fundamentals for formal education, some people prefer to deny medieval education methods the credit it is given. They believe that the formal method of students being seated in classrooms would have developed later anyway, whether medieval education used this arrangement or not. This does make sense because it is unthinkable for any other arrangement to be used. It is further argued that it is more likely that this would have been the case in modern education because student interaction is encouraged. For better student interaction, a classroom of a suitable number of students would have been recommended. Regardless of these arguments, we still find many traces of medieval education in our modern setups today.

Management Education

"The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think - rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men."

Education is among the fastest growing service sectors of the economy. Education is one of the important public attributes of social and human development. Education has always been accorded an honored place in the Indian society. The development of education in India during the post independence period has been guided by the national goals and aspirations as embodied in the Indian constitution. Education being a powerful instrument of social, economic and political change, its broad principles and objectives are related to the long term national goals, the program of national development on which the country is engaged and complex short term problems it is called upon to solve. Prior to independence, the growth of institutions of higher education in India was very slow and diversification in the areas of the studies was very limited. After independence Education has become India's "Super infrastructure". It provides the strongest link between income aspirations and the realization of income goals. It can be controlled from with a household and without unreasonable dependence on the external environment and infrastructure. The congruence between internal economic goals of the nation is a pre-requisite for building viable and vital constituents that provide growth and education has accomplished a strong congruence between the internal aspirations of the household and the external objectives of the aggregate economy.

In approaching this subject following hypothesis were laid down:

1. Quality of Management education is going down.

2. Due to mushrooming of B-Schools Admission procedure is becoming just a formality.

3. Expectation of Industry is rising day by day from B-School students

Online Education Degrees

Too busy with work or at home, yet you aspire for an education career. Then opting for an online education degree is the right way to proceed.If you love teaching and coaching children something new, then an education degree is your right choice. Maybe you could spend most of the time with cute and innocent toddlers or at kindergarten teaching them nursery rhymes, alphabets, numbers... or doing something exclusive like teaching disabled students who require special skills. This would definitely be a much satisfactory activity disregarding the money factor which could vary upon your institution of service.An online education degree will prove to be interesting and highly creative. You will be guided through your degree with many interesting presentations, videos, lectures and even books. While at it you can even be in touch and interact with your professors and other fellow students as well. At the same time you can be assured of being trained in problem solving, thinking skills and practical teaching experience as well.

Depending upon your area of interest you could opt for elementary education, middle school education, adult education, distance and online education, special education and educational administration too. Some of these subjects are highly sensitive and need lot of understanding and attention. The degrees you could opt for range of Associate's in Education, Bachelor's in Education, Master's Degrees in Education and Doctorates in Education as well. Opting for online education degree makes it possible to realize your goals and you can head for a career in teaching or administration job in an educational institution. The degrees could be associate or bachelor's education degree or Advanced Education Degree such as a Master's or doctorate degrees too.If you accomplish an associate online education degree you stand a chance to become a pre school teacher, kindergarten teacher, special education teacher or a child care administrator to name a few. While on the other hand, if you have an advanced degree, you stand the chance to gain a position of an educational writer, vice principal, school administrator, counselor or after school activities director.An online education degree is the right way to earn your education degree especially if you are already occupied with another career or looking after your growing children and home. An online education degree gives the extra edge to your qualifications and thus a much needed boost to your career in education.

Why Study Abroad

Some Good Reasons to Study Abroad.

1. Multilingual and Multicultural Environment :
Studying abroad gives you a golden opportunity to be a part of the multicultural environment and also learning new foreign languages. It gives you a first hand feeling of different cultures and its origin.

2.Makes you more Techno Savy :
The education system abroad happens to be very different than what prevails in India. It lays lot of emphasis on the practical aspects of education thus making the students techno savy and more practical.

3.Value of Degree :
A foreign degree enhances your chances of employment and gives you the returns on your investments. This is one good reason why you should not take it as an expense but an investment.

Importance of Hiring Foreign Higher Education Consultants :
Foreign education consultants play a vital role in fulfilling your dreams. They act as navigators to the whole process. There are lot of complexities involved in the whole process of studying abroad. Hiring a good consultant becomes very very important here. They are the ones who make your dreams turn into reality. In depth knowledge is absolutely essential while taking such vital decisions. A good higher education consultant would not only help you accomplish the task but also see that it is being accomplished in the right direction. It is about the students’ future and that is the reason utmost care and awareness is required from the beginning.
Selection of the right kind of schools plays the most important role in the whole process. Selecting a good and accredited school ensures your future prospects of recruitment and also the value of your degree.

Why Study in USA ?
Multi-cultural population
World’s largest economy
Less than 5%unemployment ratio
Largest number of MNCs
Highly technical and flexible education system
Strong links between educational institutions and corporate world
The unique OPT feature providing stay back options
More than 300 courses to choose from
States with well developed education system-PA, NY, NJ, MA, CA, IL, TX, AZ, MI and FL

Scs and Sts

The world of today, by and large, is comparatively a rapidly changing one and the changes have been in a variety of directions. Not long ago society was through of as a reality sub-generis far beyond the control of individuals to change it –and education as a process of inducting new entrants into society. The idea that societies can be changed and, that too, education can be vital instrument of social transformation is increasingly felt. Geared to the preservation and perpetuation of tradition in the past, education is now being used to bring about social transformation in a large scale. This represents a kind of dilemma in respect of the social role of education in traditional societies. Ignoring this dilemma, many social scientists today re inclined to believe that education is a powerful instrument of social transformation. The prevailing opinion in circles of social science is that education is an agency of modernization.

It is argued that education promotes modernity in many ways but chiefly in two:

(i) by sharpening the “critical awareness” of the people about the social structure in which they are placed, and

(ii) by changing the consciousness of the people in a direction congruent with the dominant value of our age-rationality-which is also the mainspring of modernity.

Following this reasoning, there has come up an impressive body of literature in recent years of documenting the impact of schooling on individual modernity in developing societies. The profound social changes that India has witnessed in the last few decades or so have affected its entire population, yet in some sections of its society their impact has been much more marked than in others.Education is the key to development of any community. It can broaden the world view of the people, equipping them to meet the present day challenges. Education can be an input to their development. It can also build up inner strength of the people. Almost all studies have emphasized the importance of education in the development of the people. Ignorance is the biggest reason for weakness and knowledge is power. In the development effort, education has a pride of place in the priorities of the people. This is particularly so when the two systems of unequal strength come in contact. Education brings knowledge to he community and keeps in acquiring a new strength to enable it to face the new challenges which naturally come by when the process of change unfold unforeseen forces.

Womens Education


Education is the nourishment of the mind with knowledge this is practiced purposefully and productively.
Education disciplines the mind, sharpens the intellect and refines the spirit. It shapes and polishes a rough unknown diamond into a multifaceted kohinoor sparkling with scintillating brilliance. Its the development of integrated personality that unfolds itself to the highest wisdom. Its a continuous process.
The philosopher President Dr.Radhakrishnan (1948) said, "There cannot be educated people without educated women. If general education has to be limited to men or women, that opportunity should be given to women from them it would most surely be passed on to the next generation".


Higher education is defined as the education attained after the completion of 12 years of schooling. Higher education for women has gained a wider role and responsibility all over the world. Today, in the 21st century, we cannot afford to ignore the importance of higher education for women any longer. The reason for its need and urgency is that there is no biological difference in the systems of males and females. Unfortunately, this important task of higher education of women has remain neglected for centuries. Need for higher education among women assumes all the more importance or the 3rd world countries, where colonialism has remained a great force hindering education for the general masses and for the women in particular.


The SAT is an aptitude test. Like all aptitude tests, it must choose a medium in which to measure intellectual ability. The SAT has chosen Math and English. Most of the aspirants for undergraduate studies to US need to take it. NEW SAT takes about 3 hours and 45 minutes. It contains Critical Reading, Math and Writing Section. The NEW SAT is about 2400 marks, English section is for 1600 marks while Math section is 800 marks. The writing section is measured on a scale of (0 to 6 points). SAT is offered 6 times a year in India you can register for the exam online on The present fees for SAT is around $ 85 USD, You will select a test day, pay with an international credit card and complete the transaction entirely online. SAT scores are valid for a period of 5 years.About SAT SUBJECT TESTSAT subject test where formerly known as SAT II, subject tests are given to access your skills in specific areas subjects include Math, History, Physical Science, Literature and SAT Subject Tests are given to assess your skills in specific areas. Subjects include math, history, physical sciences, literature, and foreign languages. SAT Subject Tests are an hour long and consist entirely of multiple-choice questions.The score is from 800 marks. It is taken as per direction of universities for the choice of programs mentioned.About Graduate Record ExamGraduate Record Exam (GRE) is taken by students interested in pursuing their Masters program in US but renowned universities across the globe accept GRE scores. GRE is essentially a computer adaptive test which is about 2 hours and 30 minutes. It consists of Verbal, Quantitative and Analytical Writing. The scoring pattern of GRE is on Verbal (800), Math (800) and Analytical Writing section is graded on a scale of (0 to 6 points). GRE is offered all year around you can register for GRE on You need to pay $160 USD for registration. GRE scores are valid for a period of 5 years.About GRE subject test:The GRE Subject Tests are intended to measure your knowledge of specific subject matter. Subject Tests are available in eight disciplines: Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology; Biology; Chemistry; Computer Science; Literature in English; Mathematics; Physics; and Psychology. These tests are given in paper-and-pencil format. These tests are given separately from the GRE General Test and require additional fees. Check with the universities to which you are applying to determine whether any of these extra tests are required.About GMAT:The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is taken by students interested in pursuing MBA program in the US. It is also accepted by major business schools world wide. It consists of 3 sections (Quantitative, Verbal, and Writing). It is a 4 hour computer-adaptive test (CAT). Scoring pattern is on a scale of 800. GMAT is offered all year around you can register for GMAT on . You need to pay $250 USD for registration. GMAT scores are valid for a period of 5 years.Importance of SAT, GRE, GMAT:As the admission process gets tougher every year. It is mandatory forthe students to prepare sincerely for the above exams. The preparationtime for these exams extends from three months to six months. On a broad spectrum the ETS board the governing body for the exam evaluatesstudents on their knowledge in Math and English from grade eight todegree level, but individual stress is given on basic writing skills as far as Analytical writing is concerned.Do’s and Don’t for Exam preparation.The do’s 1. Be realistic in your expectations.2. Do take the writing Analytical section seriously.3. Take practice test with the sole aim of improving your endurance and timing.4. Take mock test as far as possible it acts as a dress rehearsal.5. Practice alone makes you perfect.The Don’t1. Don’t be too confident about your test taking abilities.2. Don’t focus only on particular testing areas at the cost of other sections.3. Don’t be obsessed about scores during practice.4. Don’t burn the mid night oil without a proper back up plan.


Everyone at some point has experienced an impasse in communication; those frustrating occasions when it all breaks down and people want to get up and walk out. Just look at a sample of recent headlines: “Peace Talks Breakdown” or “Labor Negotiations at a Stalemate” or “Negotiations Fail to Result in an Accord”. When the stakes are high and people are afraid they have something to loose communication becomes strained and people stop listening to one another. Usually this is while claiming that the people on the other side of the table are actually the ones who are not doing the listening. We get so concerned and fearful about getting other people to hear what we have to say, we become unwilling to hear what they have to say. Indeed, listening seems sometimes as if it is a rare happening among human beings. We can’t really listen to another person speaking if we’re preoccupied, or if we’re trying to decide what we’re going to say when the other stops talking, or if we’re debating about whether what is being spoken is true or relevant or agreeable. Listening, in other words, is being accessible and open to what is being said.At Landmark Education we contend that listening has an amazing power. It gives life to what is being spoken. You might even say it is with the listener that both the speaker and what is spoken exist and come alive.

Think of how inspired and enlivened the elderly can become when you sit down and have an extended conversation with them. Think about what happens when someone is really listening to you. Ever notice that you become funnier and more playful when someone laughs at your jokes? What about when a child recognizes that adults are actually listening to them? Their whole demeanor shifts. In the programs of Landmark Education, you find yourself with a new ability to listen to others. You find yourself inspired by the people you have in your life. When you truly listen to people you discover the best of what they have to offer. Speaking, meanwhile, can be something more than talking, more than the exchange of symbols or information, more than saying what you really think. In speaking we can share ourselves; we can evoke experience in others. Speaking is where our ideas become clear and possible. It is where others are expanded by our time spent with them. It allows for the futures we create. Speaking lives in poetry, in the appreciation of another, in idle conversations that pass the time, in great theories and books that give rise to wonder and thought..Speaking allows for "who" and "how" we "are" in the world. It is what gives voice to all that is possible in being human. In our ability to speak and share we have the ability to shape the world we live in.In the courses of Landmark Education you find that true communication is creation. It has the power to shape, determine, and alter the course and quality of our lives. It moves people. It generates experience in others. It not only delivers information to others, it actually transforms their ability to hear. True communication transforms both the speaker and listener.The Landmark Forum suggests that what it is to be human has its own domain and that domain is one of language—of communication, of conversation. Through communication —the realm of language, of conversation—each of us has complete access to ourselves, to others, to the very essence and possibility of what it means to be human.This is the essence of what Landmark Education is about and what The Landmark Forum provides.