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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Diversity in Education

Diversity in education covers a large number of areas that deal in improving education and providing a greater number of opportunities to those who want to learn. While this is one way of looking at diversity, other descriptions would entail including all types of learners and including a wide number of subject areas and disciplines. The impact of this has led to a greater number of people from different backgrounds being able to seek an education.Diversity in education is a subject that has been discussed and researched in detail. Prior to the idea of education diversity, it was believed that there many people being denied their right to an education.

Also, those who had opportunities did not get to study the things they really wanted to. This led to much controversy, debate, etc. which has only been good for education as a whole. Different regions of the world have since then managed to include disciplines in education that can benefit their learners more. Today, there is a wider variety of subjects available to learners that were never available before. Indeed, there has been much subject diversification under the belt of education diversity. Many years ago, there was just the limited range of academic subjects and courses that students of a fixed age bracket were compelled to study.

Today, this has been transformed. There are courses now available to people regardless of the age bracket they may come under. There are also many more subjects to study. For example, performing arts is a broad category under which a number of arts can be studied. This broad category has been developed extensively over the last 30 years. Today, it is a specialized field of study that only serious musicians, actors, artists, etc. pursue. Diversity in education also encompasses a variety of learning preferences. While there is a mainstream means of learning through formal school education, there are also methods that have been discovered. Many years ago, people shunned learners that could not fit into this formal learning system. As a result, there were many people who ended up wasting their lives without achieving an education. Many of these shunned individuals were later discovered to be ones that had different forms of intelligence. This included dyslexics for example, who proved that they were alternative thinkers. Many learners who could not fit into the mainstream learning environment were deemed to be deviants or mentally impaired. However, the reality was quite different. While some mainstream thinkers thought these individuals could not learn other experts discovered that these people were not taught according to their perceptive skills. For example, some of them required more attention in order to get them to study. These very learners would eventually become speedy learners once they were propelled into a learning method that suited them.

It is true to say that many people who cannot fit into the mainstream learning system, require a greater amount of attention. Not many schools were willing to spend the extra time required. However, today, there are specialized education boards and institutions that deal with alternative learning abilities. Some of these organizations have discovered learners that only appear to be under average, but are actually super creative individuals. The sad truth is that many individuals with alternative learning abilities were brutally ignored in the past. The good news is that many or these individuals are being discovered today, and they are being allowed to develop themselves in a manner that suits them. Diversity in education, as we have seen here, covers several areas, and these areas themselves encompass issues and topics that are of a great variety. Diversity in education itself is a healthy ongoing debate that is a must for future development in education. Without doubt, it can be said that education has developed a great deal thanks to debates in diversity. However, there may be a lot more to discover, and given that many large portions of the world population lack opportunities to get an education, efforts must be sustained. This is said with due consideration given to the fact that there are many alternative or unconventional learners in developed and developing countries that are still being ignored. Therefore, the debate must continue.

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