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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Outdoor Educations

Outdoor education usually refers to organized learning that takes place in the outdoors. There are various outdoor activities like hiking, climbing, canoeing, ropes courses, and group games. Some of the aims of the outdoor education are to bring the children closer to Mother Nature, builds self confidence, how children can manage difficult situations, to enhance personal and social development. The various outdoor activities include abseiling, backpacking, camping, canoeing, Geo caching, kayaking, nature study, questing, rafting, rock climbing, ropes course, sail training, snowboarding, and way finding. Outdoor education is education ‘in’, ‘about’, and ‘for’ the out of doors.

Outdoor education can occur in a school yard, swamps, meadows, forests, shores, lakes, prairies, deserts, estuaries, and biomes. About explains that the topic is the outdoors itself and the cultural aspects related to the natural environment. You can teach about mathematics, biology, geology, communication, history, political science, art, physical skills, or endurance in outdoors. But students mainly learn about soil, water, animals and plants as it is related to natural environment. ‘For’ tell us that the purpose of outdoor education is related to cognitive, psycho-motor, and other domains of learning for ecosystem. Abseiling is an outdoor activity. It is the process of descending a rope under control, used in rock climbing, mountaineering, caving, and canoeing. It is also called as rappelling, rap jumping, rappling etc. Various equipment that are needed for abseiling is helmets, gloves, and boots, knee-pads, ropes, harness, and rappel device. Backpacker packs all of his or her gear into a backpack. This gear must include food, water, shelter or some other little things that are needed. Backpacking may last just for a weekend or even for weeks or months.

Camping is an outdoor activity. Campers get away from the urban areas in general and enjoy nature while spending one or more nights, usually at a campsite. Camping equipments that are needed includes a tent, sleeping bag, air mattress, portable stove, lantern, and hatchet, ropes, and chuck box. Some campers may prepare food by cooking on a campfire, use equipment called as Dutch oven. Geocaching is an outdoor treasure-hunting game in which the participants use a global positioning system receiver or other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers anywhere in the world. Rafting is a challenging recreational activity utilizing a raft to navigate a river or other bodies of water. Outdoor activities that are conducted by Pali institute include deep creek hike, outdoor cooking, forest ecology, orienteering, bird brains, wilderness survival, animal survivor, day hike, archery.

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