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Monday, May 4, 2009

Economics (2)

Economic Resources:

Economic resources can be broadly divided into following four categories:

o Land & Raw Materials: These are free gifts of nature. All things derived from nature are included in this category.
o Labor: It consists of the contribution of human beings.
o Capital: It consists of plant & Equipment.
o Mind/Entrepreneurial Ability: Entrepreneurial ability refers to the ability to organize production and bear risks. Some people are more intelligent and have the gift of managing things better than others. It is due to their contribution that societies develop. Due to this reason we categorize this resource separately from labor.
Entrepreneur & Entrepreneurship:

Entrepreneurship is a vital aspect for economic growth and development. Because of its importance this should be studied in depth. Entrepreneurs are gifted individuals who have the gift of managing resources and have keen foresight to visualize things much better than ordinary people. High growing economies provide viable environment and freedom for the entrepreneurship to grow that eventually led to the development and growth of economies.

Economic Growth:

An important element and field of study in economics is economic growth. Essentially the motive behind all economic activity is in raising the standard of living. We study that how standard of living is raised. Education plays a pivotal role in raising general standard of living in the long run. Capital formation results from prudently managing resources and by finding new ways to improve the present means of production by using new technology; that is a consequence of knowledge gained by acquiring education. Therefore capital formation is the key factor for economic growth.


Exchange, monetary or non monetary, is an integral part of any human activity. Human exchange views/goods/services etc because they feel that they will gain by exchanging. However, in economics we are only concerned with monetary exchange of views/goods/services etc. It is wrongly assumed that our world is a zero-sum world where gain by some is loss of other. Factually and fortunately we are living in a positive sum world. If this had been the case then progress in our world would have never been possible. Never the less it does not entail that in all monetary exchanges both parties will equally gain. Moreover the value gained in an exchange between two individuals or groups can never be evaluated precisely by the third party because the value of an exchange is very different for different individuals.


The prevalence of competition in the filed of economics in world is universal, because of scarce resources and innumerous and recurring wants. Where competition has negative implications, it has also positive implications. It is the element of competition that drives different individuals to excel from others, which results in greater discoveries, technological advancements and pursuit for finding new ways to earn greater profits that consequently raise general prosperity level in the world. It is unethical aspects of competition where some individuals initiate force and fraud that causes violence in the society. Competition can never be eliminated from any society; rather any attempt to eliminate competition would result in regression and more violence. Therefore, check should only be imposed on negative effects of competition.

For the efficient management of the resources (time, skills, natural etc) human need to cooperate to make optimal use of these resources. Moreover most of the natural resources need to be transformed for use and to make them valuable. Groups need to cooperate to be successful. Cooperation juxtaposed with positive competition is an ideal combination for efficiency.

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