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Monday, May 4, 2009

Economics (3)

Specialization & Comparative Advantage:

Natural inequality among humans is a fact of life. Economics aims at efficient management; therefore to make best use of human resources different individuals specializes in those particular fields in which they can be better than others because of their natural abilities. Due to this reason some individuals have comparative advantage over others.


Information is very important for making informed rational decisions. However accurate information is impossible by any individual because of the human mind, because every human being is unique, and also due to unpredictable future. Information about market behavior is extremely diverse and ubiquitous. Therefore it is not possible for any individual to accrue the available information and our decisions about future at best are mere estimate with enormous possibilities.

Profit & Loss:

The expectant and prevailing profit and loss are the determining factors for the investments. It provides the criteria for the goods and services to be produced. Where in the short run demand of the products is the primary factor in stimulating the investment trends, profit or loss is the litmus test for products produced in the long run.

Trade Off:

It's a general principle that in order to gain something one needs to loose something. The most important resource for an individual, time is limited. Therefore no one can do all the things oneself, so a rational individual focuses one's time on those tasks where one can perform best. However it is quite impossible to precisely quantify the time one put in some particular activity is equal to the forgone activity/activities. Nonetheless for the purpose of understanding this concept economists assume that the price of engaging in some activity is equal to the cost of the other activity/activities one has forgone.

Price Theory:

Demand for and supply of products determines their prices in the market. It is wrongly asserted by the majority of the people that cost of goods determines the prices of the product. In actuality it is the marketing activities of the producers and the perception of the consumers about the products that determine the prices of the products. As a general rule higher the prices lower will be the demand and vice versa. However in some cases due to the nature of the product and the marketing efforts of the producers higher prices lead to higher demand.

Causality -- Cause & Effect:

Despite limitations of logic, causality is the most important phenomenon in understanding economic theory and practice. Excluding mega-microscopic and mega-macroscopic phenomenon, every cause has some effect and that effect is a cause of some other effect ad infinitum. Due to this cause and effect relationship in a world of numerous individuals and groups their actions has great impact on other elements in the economy. Despite the complexity of this relationship that is also chaotic, understanding this relationship can help enormously in making good estimates about the future and to form comparatively sound opinions about the market trends.

Labor Economics:

In this field we study that how wages are determined. Like all other markets the wages are set by the interaction of demand and supply. Higher wages can only be achieved by greater investment and economic activity in the long run. Employment and unemployment are also the key issues that we study in this field. Ups and downs in the economy are the facts that cannot be avoided. Higher consumption level asks for greater capital investments that will raise general wage level and results in lower unemployment.


No one knows the future. It's the fear of future that is an integral part of our lives and also an impetus for human activity. This factor of uncertainty gave birth to the idea of risk. There is always degree of risk in all human activities. As a general rule: "higher the risk, higher the reward". Uncertainty is also nature's law of rewarding and punishing the human actions. Moreover it is also a way of nature of teaching and making known new ideas to the new participants and making room for the new and efficient members.

Public Finance:

The filed of public finance is directly related with role of government. Bigger the government, larger the funds are needed to finance it. The accountability principle is of pivotal importance in public enterprises because the ownership of these enterprises has no personal owners. Moreover, fund should be received from those who get benefits from that service.

Money & Banking:

Banking in an economy is the determining factor for gauging its performance. Money is the medium of exchange that facilitates transactions among participants of an economy. Banks play the role of intermediaries. Interest rates and value of currency with relation to other international currencies is set by central banks. However ideally it is best that market forces of demand and supply determine them.

Consumption & Saving:

Raising the consumption level is key factor to all economic activities for reducing costs, creating employment, raising standard of living and eliminating poverty. On the other hand, raising consumption greatly can result in undue depletion of resources in a given market and cause inflation. If this situation prolongs that would result in recession to depression. Therefore a sagacious policy of moderation is the ideal combination.

Marketing is the key for stimulating demand and consequently enhancing economic activity. Entrepreneurs have the sharp ability of marketing to understand the economic environment and knowing the customer demand ahead of time and finding new segments that would consequently raise general standard of living.

Cost & Production:

Every thing entails cost. Finding the best methods to produce goods at minimum possible cost is essential for firms to earn profits and compete successfully.


Technology makes the difference between the present age and the previous one. The problems faced by humans in all times are quite similar yet the technology of their respective eras determines the mode of production as well as way of living. Technology is of utmost importance for understanding economics because by applying it we enormously reduce costs and even reach new markets that could not have been possible with out technology. Moreover it raises standard of living by simplifying the complex tasks.


The problem of poverty is the focal point in the field of economics. Ignorance is the main cause of poverty. The best way to eradicate poverty is by spreading knowledge.

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